Design Eye

Service | DESIGN EYE
Delivery | Hourly, One-to-One
Location | your home, your office, your gallery, your field, your woodland.... wherever the possibility is
I have a wealth of experience that can be shared with you.
Sometimes, that share doesn’t need to be for weeks, months or years – maybe just a few hours.
• when you could benefit from easy and timely connection with someone who has a "design eye" and lots of built experience across scales and homes / workplaces / cultural spaces
• when you have a sense of what you want/need/dream of but want to run the ideas with a critical "friend"
• when you wonder what it would be like to have an architect on board
Situations where a "design eye" session has been valuable
• to run ideas ( and doubts!) past me to inform decision making
• to restore faith in your direction when paralysed in self-driven project with decision overload
• to untangle a precise design or briefing problem with me
• to accompany you on viewings
The beauty of this type of consultation is that it is direct, focused and one-to-one. We agree beforehand what the focus, duration and outcomes of the session will be.
It will shift your position and will inform and inspire your next steps.
Donation + cost
Usually, we meet for 1 to 2 hours. I charge an hourly rate from £200 of which 50% of the first hour is donated to Maggies or to your preferred charity.
Contact to discuss further